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Re: Multia's at cpumicromart

	When I purchased my Multias I managed to get the units for US$60 and
found another site online where I pick'd up 64MB (36 bit) for US$75...

	The one machine has been runnin flawlessly since I put it together,
the other hasn't really been setup because I've been extremly busy with other

	Jeremy T. Bouse
	UnderGrid Network Services

Rob Byrnes decided to waste my bandwidth saying:
> Apologies for the cross-post, but I can't remember where this topic came up.
> A University in Australia has offered to purchase 100 of the Multia boxen
> that CPU Micromart has for sale.
> I remember some activity on one of the Alpha lists regarding these units (no
> FDD, HDD, memory).
> So now to the questions .... Is paying AU$60 per unit, plus AU$75 per 16Meg
> of True Parity memory too much?
> Rob B
> --  
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| Jeremy T. Bouse  -  UnderGrid Network Services, LLC  -   www.UnderGrid.net  |
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