Re: hatman won't compile [was Re: [ Bug#39294: hatman: Error in error]]
Josip Rodin <> writes:
> Hi!
> Here are upstream comments on a bug against a package, hatman,
> that wouldn't compile on Debian Alpha. Please, somebody from
> the mailing list, help me fix this, preferably in form of patches,
> since I don't know C++... :(
Whats hatman? Is it a debian package? If not, wheres the source?
> > In function `void initError()':
> > passing `int (*)(FILE *, const printf_info *, va_list *)' as argument 2 of `register_printf_function(int, int (*)(FILE *, const printf_info *, const void *const *), int (*)(const printf_info *, size_t, int *))'
> > passing `int (*)(FILE *, const printf_info *, va_list *)' as argument 2 of `register_printf_function(int, int (*)(FILE *, const printf_info *, const void *const *), int (*)(const printf_info *, size_t, int *))'
> Eek, I'm not sure what to do. This caused me problems at one point so I took
> it out of the new version but that isn't into alpha yet ;(, erm, the library
> seems to have a different printf function, but I couldn't tell you why,
> although...
"va_list *" doesn't seem to be a "const void *const *". Why and what I
can't say without source.
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