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(alpha only) Package im bug: imget (perl script) unable to write messages to mailbox

Package: im
Version: 100-2

When imget is executed on an alpha, it always gives the following message 
(shown with debug on):

~> imget
imget: Getting new messages into +inbox....
imget: getting message 1.
imget: <<< RETR 1
imget: >>> +OK 3182 octets
imget: saving the message into +inbox
imget: creating file: /home/dummy_user/Mail/inbox/43
imget: creating /home/dummy_user/Mail/inbox/43
imget: ERROR: writing to /home/dummy_user/Mail/inbox/43 failed (Socket operation on non-socket).
imget: POP processing error.
imget: closing POP session.
imget: <<< QUIT
imget: >>> +OK Pop server at ...  signing off.

File 43 is actually created, and contains the message, but no further
messages are downloaded.  The same problem occurs when not using pop (i.e.
when the mailbox is locally mounted as /var/spool/mail/). 

imget, etc. works fine on all Debian i386 systems we have here.

The problem occurs both with kernel version 2.0.34 and 2.2.3-ac2.  All im
config files (/usr/lib/im/SiteConfig, ~/.im/Config) were identical on both
the alpha and i386 systems.  The perl version is 5.004.04-7 on the
alpha, 5.004.04-6 on the i386 system.

Since the program is entirely written in perl and works fine elsewhere, it
is almost certainly an alpha perl problem.  However, it is hoped that the
im package manager can explain where the problem is more explicitly.

This message was cc'd to the Debian alpha mailing list and the perl 
package owner.

If you need any other information from me, please feel free to ask...


Kevin Squire
Research Student
Nakajima Laboratory
Tokyo Institute of Technology

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