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Re: Debian/Alpha available on CD

On 23 Sep 1998, Ian Willmott wrote:

:Several people have recently inquired on this list about getting the
:Debian/Alpha distribution on CD. Let me point out that Linux System Labs 
:sells CDR images of the Alpha ftp archive for $3.95 US + shipping. See

Having (not very successfully) tried to install from this CD to an Avanti
machine, I'd just like to mention that they a) do not usually have the
most recent mirror, and b) break directory structure, thus confusing
dselect. Having said this, it's definitely better than ftp'ing it all :)
Oh, and if you do order the CD, don't be surprised if it takes a week or
two to get there.

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D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. (jinn@irony.org)
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