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Re: dpkg bug

Anders Hammarquist (iko@netg.se) wrote on 21 May 1998 14:37:
 >>I get this with some packages:
 >>Preparing to replace manpages 1.19-1 (using .../doc/manpages_1.19-1.deb) ...
 >>Unpacking replacement manpages ...
 >>dpkg: error processing /usr/local/debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-alpha/doc/manpages_1.19-1.deb (--install):
 >>error setting ownership of symlink `usr/man/man4/kmem.4.gz': No such file or directory
 >>zsh: segmentation fault  dpkg -i
 >>This seems to happen whenever there are alternatives... This is quite
 >>a bad bug!
 >It's not a bug, it's a feature ;) You are running a late 2.1-series kernel,
 >which introduced the lchown(2) call. It used to be that chown(2) changed
 >the owner of the link, now it changes the owner of whatever the link points
 >to (and fails with ENOENT if it's a dangling symlink). Compile this snippet
 >with "cc -fPIC -Wl,-shared -o chown.so chown.c" and set LD_PRELOAD to point
 >to the resulting .so before running dpkg:

Interesting, but why doesn't this happen on Intel machines??? I've
just installed 2.1.102 on a dual PII and installed manpages without a


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