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Re: Looks like I'm getting an Alpha - Now what.

David Maslen (david@binary.net.au) wrote on 20 May 1998 00:45:
 >Anyway I've read the milo HOWTO so I should be able to boot my

The boot methods in the alpha really suck now that we can no longer
flash milo... :-(

 >but how do I do a base install? I'm quite familiar with the PC
 >I'd use the boot/rescue disk, then extract the base2_0.tgz file, then
 >update the rest with dselect off my network.

 >I don't see any boot disks, base systems or anything else. Surely I
 >don't have to use redhat. Been there.

If you have another alpha the easiest way is to put the new disk on
the old alpha and clone it. If you don't, you'll have to strugle
through the install :-( It was so long I had done this that I almost
forgot... I've just done a first time install last week, so I'm sure
things work well enough.

You need the recue, drivers and root floppies. They're in
..../debian/hamm/hamm/disks-alpha/1997-08-12. However the kernel in
1997-08-12 doesn't work well (didn't for me at least). You can take
the kernel from 1997-10-05 and put it in the rescue floppy.

Boot the kernel from the rescue floppy with
boot fd0:<name> root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1
and put the floppies when asked for. You'll be prompted for some
config info, partition the disk with cfdisk, etc.

The install will ask for the base modules. You can choose nfs and
it'll pump base13_tgz from the net. Or you can have the 6 floppies

Then you'll have to upgrade all packages. The ones in the install
disks are VERY old. You may have to use dpkg --force-depends.


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