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ld-linux.so broken in libc6.1_2.0.6-3.1 and before

I write some times ago that most X programs I compiled do not worked
properly if compiling with any level of optimization (using either
gcc2.7,gcc2.8 and several version of egcs)

The behaviour was typically one of those:
1) Some warning messages like:
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtRemoveCallback
Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtRemoveCallback
2) The windows layout was completly broken.
3) The application dumped core

By taking the ld-linux.so from libc6.1_2.0.7pre1-1 my problems seem to 
have all disappeared.
Note that I used only the ld-linux.so file because when
installing the whole library, nis was not working anymore.

I wanted to share my experience in case somebody had the same
problems, more details follow below,



Starting from ghostview I narrowed the problem to a program with 10
lines, which did not behave correctly.  Using gdb, it seemed the
problem was that ld-linux.so did not fill correctly the "table of
pointers" of the main program, for some of the "pointer relocations"
in shared library, more precisely for some relocations pointing in the
middle of an array variable.  I can send the small code example, with
the binary, together with a detailled description of the experiences I
have made if somebody is interested.

The problems did not appear while compiling statically. What I do not
understand is why this problem occur only for me, as a matter of fact
all binaries in debian packages have always worked well (the compiler
used must generate more conservative relocations), the problem was
only with programs I compiled myself. But my compilation environnement
was taken from the debian packages:
libc6.1         2.0.6-3.1 
libc6.1-dev     2.0.7pre1-1  

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