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Too much RAM


So, here is my sad story. I've got a AlphaPC 164LX, wit the
DEC 21164 chip running at 533MHz. Initially there was 128 Megs 
of RAM installed, despite the fact that we payed for 256M.
Of coure I complained immediately, but I didn't wait for the
rest of the RAM to arrive befor installing. The install was 
pretty much a breeze. I used the kernel and system.map file
from the 1997-10-05 directory and the rest form the
1997-8-12 directory on debian.org. I had a working system.
I did get a broken pipe error at the end of the base-floppy
install, bu that didn't seem to do much harm. Ftp didnt work,
bu the network was up, so I could have found a way to fix it.

Then they installed the rest of the RAM. Now the system is 
broken. I tried reinstalling about 5 times, each time with
a new twist, but to no avail. The instalation goes as good as
it did before. The kernel boots, the ramdisk gets loaded,
the installation goes through, I still get the broken pipe after
the base floppies get loaded, but efter I reboot and the kernel
boots, init chokes with a message like this:

init: memory violation at pc=1555555e66c rp=1555555e630 \
(bad address = 1555566c800)

Does this mean the RAM is corrupt or is it something else??


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