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Re: draft UDB installation HOWTO, also MILO echoing to ttyS0

>Incidentally, I've done a successful install on my UDB & written up a
>brief summary of what I did.  I mailed it to Marc Volovic
><http://www.bard.org.il/~marc/html/linux.phtml> & Thomas Behrndt (UDB
>installation tester <http://www.debian.org/ports/alpha/release-checklist>).
>If they aren't going to do anything with it, does anyone else want to
>bung it up on a web site somewhere?  I haven't got any private web
>space, I'm afraid.  Comments/additions from other people with UDBs
>appreciated, particularly anyone who's got theirs booting from SRM one
>way or another.

Yes, please send anything along to me. I'm in the proccess of setting
up an Alpha-Linux site, currently at the address in my sig, soon moving
to www.alphalinux.org (I hope), and I'm always looking for more info
to add. especially Debian as that is a little less common than RedHat.


Rich Payne
Looking for Alpha-Linux info?

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