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Re: Anyone got a working copy of sp around?

Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@law.miami.edu> writes:
> Paul Slootman <paul@wau.mis.ah.nl> writes:
>> Hmmm, you're implying that the current version in hamm is broken?

> It was two weeks ago before I left on my vacation, and I just
> re-checked it.  It's busted.

Yes, if you're talking about building jade using egcs, it's very
busted AFAIK.

BTW, I'm the Debian maintainer of jade.  I would much like to know why 
jade + egcs do not get along; I've been in correspondance with James
Clark (upstream maintainer) as well; I think he would be pleased to
know what the situation is right now; I've notified him eg++ doesn't
get along with jade.

>> Is it the specifically the build that's broken, or is that version
>> inherently broken?If it's the build, the Right Thing to do now
>> would be to fix that build... If you could tell what specifically
>> is wrong, the person who built it (not me, I believe) could fix
>> it...

> It's specifically the build---apparently this is one slight bug that
> egcs-1.0.3 gets us that 1.0.2 did not have.  It shows up on the i386
> as well.

I can confirm that, although I cannot confirm that there was *ever* a
version of eg++ that didn't raise this problem.

Nor am I sure it's a bug in jade or a bug in egcs.

> As far as the person who built it fixing it, I _am_ the person who
> built it, and I am working on rebuilding, using Chris' snapshot
> egcs.  We'll see if that makes a difference.

> If it doesn't, though, we need a fallback.

I assume you guys on Alpha have only eg++?  Is there any way you can
build with g++ 272 vintage?

>> What version are you looking for, i.e. from around what date? I see
>> the current version is from May 4; I have a couple of older cdroms
>> lying around that might have the version you're looking for. (I
>> mirror the stuff at work, and then burn a cdrom when I need the
>> mirror elsewhere.  Hence I've about 6 versions from about Feb.)

> Probably any of the ones from Feb would be fine, but don't bother
> right yet---I'm going to try and rebuild jade with the snapshot
> egcs, to see if that works.

> If that fails, then we need to wedge the older one back in so we can
> continue to work productively---without jade, debiandoc and linuxdoc
> all croak, which makes building some packages (afterstep and dpkg,
> off hand) impossible.

Yes, this probably holds for both jade and nsgmls (same source pkg).
I don't recall seing too many situations where the eg++ bug tickles
nsgmls though.

Assuming you all do not have eg++, but you do think that an older
version of jade (i.e., pre 1.1) I have source snapshots available in
CVS dating back to jade-1.0.1-1.

Possibly -fno-excpetions might help?  But that's pretty drastic and

I'm not on this mailing list so you'll have to let me know by email or 

Please keep me up-to-date on how you all are able to work-around.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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