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Re: Xdm ?

>Hi I tried to install xfree86 with the debianpakages (version 3.3.2)
>but for som reson xdm dies on start up. (But X works fine).
>Xdm seams to search for a libray named libXdmGreet.so (ore something
>like that)
>that the system don't have :-(. Sure I can go around it and run X
>manualy, or with startx, or reconfigure Xdm, but this shouldn't be
>necesery or... Does anyone know where this file is to be found ?

It works, but unfortunately libXdmGreet.so got left out of the
package. You can get in from
Untar that in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm and xdm should work.

I'll make sure it makes it in to the next version of the packages
which I will hopefully have time to put together during this week.


 -- Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Anders Hammarquist   |       Mud at Kingdoms        | iko@netg.se
NetGuide Scandinavia |   telnet kingdoms.se 1812    | Fax: +46 31 50 79 39
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