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Re: gcc?

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997, Anders Hammarquist wrote:

> I've found myself an AlphaStation 400 that I'm trying to get debian
> installed on. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work very well with the stuff that
> is on ftp.debian.org :( Biggest problem is that gcc doesn't want to run.
> (If it did I could probably solve most of the other problems at least for
> me) The package file says libc5, ldd says libc6 and all I find is
> libc6.1... So my question, where can I find a gcc that I can convince to
> compile things?

You can find a working gcc on my ftp site:
I have a ton of packages that are either more current than master or just
aren't there.  I have also recently made a full list of things on my site
that still list libc5 as a dependancy (they will be fixed soon).

Let me know if you have problems with any of the packages on my site.
Also, you may want to check the list archives for info on some of the
packages and any quirks that we've found.

 Christopher C. Chimelis          chris@classnet.med.miami.edu
 Systems Supervisor
 Division of Biomedical Communications
 University of Miami School of Medicine
 --> finger chris@classnet.med.miami.edu for PGP public key <--

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