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Re: New packages on my site...

On Fri, 26 Sep 1997, Gunnar Gunnarsson wrote:

> You didn't mention the address to your site ?

Oops...my error :P  Here's the ftp:

It's laid out like master with a tiny few exceptions.  I haven't made ANY
of it dselect-able, though, so hand installation of the packages is
needed.  If you run across old dependencies, please let me know since I
haven't converted some of the stuff to new package format yet and I can't
find the list of those packages anymore.

> I'm installing an old alpha stations 200. Most of the debian package are
> dependent of libc5 (>=5.2.18-5) but it's missing from the arkive. Some
> programmes dumps core as well like more.

Ah, ok.  More has been fixed by the newest util-linux package, BUT be
aware that you have to patch the kernel to use that version (clock was
replaced by hwclock which needs a working rtc driver/device that's only
supported by a patched 2.0.30 or a development kernel).  I do have a
binary for more that works, though, if you just want that for now.

As for the stuff that depends on libc5, we *HAD* a stub (aka "dummy
package") for it in the older install disks, but I guess it's finally been
removed.  Let me know which packages need that and I'll try to recompile
them.  For now, it should be safe to just --force-depends install them (I
did that for a few things).  It's not pretty or nice, but it works until
we get things ironed out.


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