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Re: newbie Alpha owner

In article <[🔎] Pine.ULT.3.95.970428095235.3729G-100000@gorba.lpt.fi> you wrote:
: Actually i tested the available installation package, but
: for me it seems that most of the packages are dependend of
: nonexistent libc6.1 (or was that libc6.0.1) package.

Michael understands more about which libs are the right ones than I do.

: I'll try later today again, but is there somewhere package
: for getting more further?

I've been working with Sven to make the boot-disks package work for Alpha.  I
just today pulled his latest sources and it appears that all the issues for
which I'd sent him patches are resolved.  I need to compile, or cajole Michael
to provide me, a kernel package... and then I'm getting pretty close to being
able to generate a freshened base.tgz and rescue floppy set.

I've only got a small amount of time in the next week or two to devote to
this, though... so don't hold your breath.


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