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Roll Call!

I just returned from a couple of weeks of much-needed vacation following the
Usenix/Uselinux show.  It appears that a few new volunteers have joined the
Sparc and Alpha porting efforts for Debian in the meantime.  Some of you I know
about, some I don't.

Would everyone who is actively working on something or is willing to volunteer
to do some work on the Sparc or Alpha ports of Debian please send me a brief
piece of email telling me who you are, what hardware resources you have access
to for the port(s) in question, and what you're working on or are willing to
work on?  It would also help to know if you're already a Debian developer, or
more to the point, whether you already have a login on master.debian.org.  
Don't assume I know anything, even if we've talked recently...

I will summarize the results and make some suggestions about how we can best
proceed over the weekend.  Hopefully, this will get us all a little more in
tune with each other, help eliminate effort, and help us get the ports done

If you know anyone who does not subscribe to the debian-sparc or debian-alpha
lists but wants to help, get this message to them and get them on the list(s)!
My intention is to direct as much of the communication as possible after this
survey into the lists.  I also intend to put together a "status of the ports"
web page for www.debian.org that we can point folks to...



TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-alpha-REQUEST@lists.debian.org . Trouble? e-mail to Bruce@Pixar.com

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