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Re: gpuenv-utils 0.1.4 uploaded: Powersaving / uptime management

Hi Christian,

Thank you very much for this work with the gpuenv-utils. Together, argo, lyra, cassiopeia and bootes consume approximately 600 W at idle. The amount of power this might save depends partly on how busy the machines are, but the upper bound would be 14 kWh per day. I suspect that a realistic estimate of the savings might be 300 kWh per month.

On 2024-07-04 04:46, Christian Kastner wrote:
When coupled with a daily wake-up by RTC alarm via the BIOS, (2) should
reduce power consumption.

In the BIOS on bootes, there is an option to control the RTC alarm via the operating system. In fact, it is the default. I wonder if it might make sense to instead call rtcwake [1] to shut the system down and check back in a few hours.

That would mean that:

1. I don't need to futz with BIOS settings.
2. There is reduced latency on accepting new jobs.

With that said, such a feature request will inevitably lead to more requests for configuration options. And the better solution is arguably to have a small, power-efficient server do the monitoring for new jobs and send wake-on-lan anyway.

It sounds like you have enough to do already, so that rabbit hole may be something for another time.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/util-linux/rtcwake.8.en.html

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