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autopkgtest 5.35+rocm1 uploaded to apt.r.d.n


I've released a new version of our temporary fork of autopkgtest to our
APT repo [1].

It includes tentative fixes for a sporadically occurring command prompt
timeout [2,3], and for setting up networking in Ubuntu QEMU VMs [4].


PS: Packages with 2+ autopkgtests (eg: rocrand) running in QEMU are
currently broken in unstable due to a bug with kernel 6.8. The bug is
unrelated to ROCm; the issue is in transferring data from host to the VM.

[1]: https://apt.rocm.debian.net
[2]: https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/autopkgtest/-/issues/6
[3]: https://bugs.debian.org/1071533
[4]: https://bugs.debian.org/960729

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