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GSOC 2024: Expanding ROCm support within Debian and derivatives

Hi everyone,

I was looking at the GSOC 2024 page and "Expanding ROCm support within Debian and derivatives" caught my attention.

I'm not a student and I've participated in GSOC once before way back in 2006. I have some free time now and would like to get back into open source. I have worked extensively as DevOps and Data Engineer with some exposure to machine learning, but not a lot. Recently, I was involved in a project where I had to upgrade a really old system that used x64 versions of tensorflow. The libraries were from 2018 or so (Tensorflow 2.2.2 ?) and were not available on M1/ARM by default. The project involved learning Bazel to build Tensorflow, python wheels, publishing etc. figuring out build dependencies,incompatibilities, running tests etc. 
While I haven't worked directly with CUDA or ROCm and it's quite different to what I did, I'm keen to learn and will be very happy to join the project long term even beyond GSOC.

Is there any documentation available that I can refer to before I make a formal proposal for the project? I've been busy going through the contributor guidelines but couldn't find anything specific to this project so far.

Any help, guidance and or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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