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Re: Bug#1031799: cmake-data: cmake does not search multiarch paths for HIP

I have been discussing this issue with the upstream developers and have opened a merge request with a fix [1].

On 2/22/23 15:34, Cordell Bloor wrote:
It is not possible to use CMake's HIP language support together with
the Debian package for HIP. Consider this sample project:


     cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
     project(example LANGUAGES HIP)
     add_executable(ex main.hip)

The fix for this issue will require the user to instead write their CMakeLists.txt as:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
    project(example LANGUAGES CXX HIP)
    add_executable(ex main.hip)

CMake needs to load the hip-lang information that is provided by the HIP runtime before the HIP ABI can be determined, but CMake needs to know the ABI to determine which multiarch directories so search for the HIP runtime. Enabling C or CXX before HIP will ensure that the appropriate architecture is known before starting the search and a warning will be emitted for projects that do not enable C or CXX before HIP.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/merge_requests/8356

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