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hipfft requires rocfft sources

Dear hipfft maintainers,

It seems that in ROCm 6.0, the hipFFT library began depending on the rocFFT sources at build-time [1]. This was discussed previously when rocFFT sources were only required for the hipFFT tests [2].

Fedora packagers have raised this as an issue, so upstream has been discussing a few solutions. There is a proposed solution of uploading custom tarballs for hipFFT releases with the full rocFFT sources included in the tarball (just like if `git clone --recursive` were used for acquiring the sources to create the tarball). An alternative proposal is to use git subrepo (rather than git submodule), and thereby directly include the specific files that are used in both libraries directly in both repositories. A third proposal might be to have rocfft create another dev package that contains the components hipfft requires.

If you have thoughts on how this impacts Debian packaging or if you have any preferences between these solutions, please speak up.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://github.com/ROCm/hipFFT/issues/83
[2]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/2023/06/msg00098.html

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