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Re: ROCm CI log retention policy

Hey Cory,

On 2023-11-14 10:11, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> I set up a new system today that includes an RX 5700 XT to add gfx1010
> to the CI, but I'm noticing a lot of temporary failures. However, I
> cannot view the logs for these failures. In the results column, there's
> just a trash can with hovertext stating that the "file has been removed
> due to data retention policy" [1].
> What is the retention policy for the CI logs?

The default retention policy seems to be 180 days [2], but the test you
linked to is only from today, so there must be another issue.

About ~30 jobs, including [1], had the "files_purged" flag set in the
database. However, I checked the results directory, and the files were
still there. So I reset the flag, and the files are visible again.

I scheduled a test for gfx1030, it passed, and it did not exhibit this
issue (yet).

I don't know yet what triggered this, but I'll be monitoring the DB.


> [1]: https://ci.rocm.debian.net/packages/h/hipsolver/unstable/amd64+gfx1010/

[2] I forgot that one even existed, thanks for bringing this up.

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