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Re: Backporting torch to Ubuntu 20.04

On Sat, 2023-09-09 at 22:45 -0700, Dima Kogan wrote:
> Hello!
> Thanks for all your efforts in packaging the deep-learning software.
> It
> seems like a very frustrating thing to work on.
> For a work project I need a semi-recent build of torch that runs on
> Ubuntu 20.04. A quick glance at the packages tells me that there are
> many dependencies that would need to be backported in addition to
> libtorch itself. Before I go off and spend a lot of effort on this,
> I'd
> like to ask here. Is this as big a project as it sounds?

It is big. CPU variant takes me more than 20 minutes with an intel
workstation CPU to build. CUDA variant takes more than 40 minutes.

> Are there known
> backports already available somewhere?

No as far as I know. I do not have plan to backport to debian stable

>  Any general suggestions?

If there is no strict requirement on d/copyright, you may refrain
from exluding the third_party embedded sources from pytorch orig
tarball. That will reduce the amount of packages to backport, but
will require you to modify more bits in the debian/ directory.

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