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Re: RFC: Policy for autopkgtests in ROCm packages

Hi Christian,

Christian Kastner, on 2023-05-27:
> When I created the first autopkgtest for src:rocrand, I made some design
> decisions, and at least one of them is questionable.
> There will be many more autopkgtets to come. In the interest of
> consistency and clarity, and to simplify the task itself, I propose that
> we work on a (simple!) policy for how to define and structure
> autopkgtests.
> To this end, I started a wiki page [1], and initialized it with my
> thoughts. I'd appreciate your feedback/contribution, so that we might
> quickly achieve a consensus.

Thanks for having started formalizing the approach to running
the test suites in autopkgtest context.  If I understand
correctly, the *-tests packages apply to the test drivers
constructed during package build.

Experience in other teams suggest for *-examples package names;
their purpose is complementary to the *-tests packages for test
drivers.  In a regular tool in or outside ROCm context, that
could be example data, configuration, etc.  For libraries, that
could be sample code that could be compiled and run during the

When the size of example data doesn't justify a dedicated
package, it may be dropped in the /usr/share/doc/pkg/examples/
directory of the regular package instead, but I can't really
give a lower bound for when there is not enough usage to justify
a side package.  In contrast, I think it is justified to always
put the test drivers in their dedicated packages.  

I'm not sure how much these examples make sense in ROCm context;
I haven't seen that many within the source code itself (at least
not when quickly checking within rocrand source code), so I'm
not certain this needs to be put in the wiki in a complementary
section, especially if we want to keep things simple.  But in
doubt I thought I should mention it.

> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/community/team-project/-/wikis/autopkgtest-policy

Have a nice day,  :)
Étienne Mollier <emollier@emlwks999.eu>
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