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HIP on the NVIDIA platform


I'm starting to look at packaging hipFFT and hipSPARSE. These libraries each have two variants; they can be built for either the AMD ROCm platform or the NVIDIA CUDA platform. In the case that hipSPARSE is built for the AMD platform, it depends on rocSPARSE. However, when it is built for the NVIDIA platform, it depends on cuSPARSE. This is more or less how all the hip{FFT,SPARSE,RAND,BLAS,SOLVER} libraries work.

Of the hip* libraries, hipRAND is the farthest along in packaging on Debian. For hipRAND, only the AMD platform variant was packaged thus far. That seems like a reasonable way to start, given that the CUDA platform variant would require the cuRAND headers provided by nvidia-cuda-dev [1], which is a non-free package. However, I wonder what the ultimate goal should look like.

What limitations might we run into if we were to build and package the NVIDIA variant of hipRAND? I presume that the binary package for that variant would have to be uploaded to the non-free archive. It would also need a package name to distinguish it from the AMD platform variant.

This is not an urgent topic, as my priority is getting them working on the AMD platform first. Nevertheless, I wanted to start thinking about NVIDIA support so I could keep it in mind as I'm working on the other packaging.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/nvidia-cuda-dev

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