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Re: Where to put .hipVersion?

Well, if the file is installed at all, it should be in share or the clang resource directory (subpath of lib) AND not start with ".", i.e. not hidden. I can't speak for Debian, but Fedora has a policy of no hidden files in /usr.

As well, I noticed ". hipInfo" is installed into the libdir. Is this a required file?

On July 3, 2022 7:41:55 p.m. EDT, Cordell Bloor <cgmb-deb@slerp.xyz> wrote:

Hello everyone,

The last major issue that must be resolved before HIP is easy-to-use on Debian is the matter of the .hipVersion file. As it stands, this file is not being shipped in the Debian package and users must specify --hip-version=5.0.0 explicitly in their compiler flags.

The file is traditionally installed to $HIP_PATH/bin. When $HIP_PATH is /usr, this implies that the file will be stored at /usr/bin/.hipVersion. That is a problem, as the location is not compliant with the File Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which requires that architecture-independent data be stored in /usr/share.

The obvious place to put the file would be /usr/share/hip/.hipVersion. However, it would not be found by clang [1], and that would undermine its purpose. There are a few options:

1. We could patch clang [1] and hipvars [2] to look in /usr/share/hip/.hipVersion (or perhaps /usr/share/hip/version).
2. We could ship /usr/bin/.hipVersion as the Debian FHS relaxes the architecture-independence rule to a suggestion [3][4].
3. We could patch --hip-version=$HIP_VERSION_MAJOR.$HIP_VERSION_MINOR.$HIP_VERSION_PATCH directly into the hipcc call to clang. It would be pretty easy to hardcode it into hipvars [2] append it to HIPCXXFLAGS, HIPCFLAGS and HIPLDFLAGS [5].

I lean towards Option 3 in the near-term, as it works with existing versions of clang. The upstream HIP and LLVM developers may be able to find a more permanent solution. The version file is seems redundant as the necessary information is already embedded in the library binary [6][7].

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/llvmorg-14.0.6/clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/AMDGPU.cpp#L451-L459
[2]: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/blob/rocm-5.2.0/bin/hipvars.pm#L152-L159
[3]: "The FHS requirement that architecture-independent application-specific static files be located in /usr/share is relaxed to a suggestion."
[4]: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html
[5]: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/blob/rocm-5.2.0/bin/hipcc.pl#L191-L193
[6]: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/hipamd/blob/rocm-5.2.0/src/hiprtc/hiprtcInternal.cpp#L44-L49
[7]: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/hipamd/blob/rocm-5.2.0/src/hip_context.cpp#L202-L213

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