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Re: No Admintool for debian?

[ You should not crosspost into >2 Debian lists.  I'd recommend to
not crosspost to any Debian lists, but my experience has shown that
there are a few situations where it makes sense. btw. this is not
one amongst them. ]

Joerg Friedrich wrote:
> Is there nobody who cares that Debian has no admin-tool like other big

Hmm, I wouldn't say that.  You care about this.  Please continue.

> distributions have (RedHat or SuSe, btw I do NOT want to start a
> discussion about the useability of YaST or anything like that !!!)

> I'm very impressed by the features of linuxconf. But the Package in
> projekts/experimental destroys my /etc/init.d scripts and is out of date.
> There is a new upstream-release.

Can you fix / package it?

> Unfortunatly I'm not able to build a NMU because don't understand how to
> use the debian-packaging tools (yet). But I want to help to make a stable
> package of linuxconf. i.e. extensive testing :-)

Please refer to ftp://ftp.infodrom.north.de/pub/debian/doc/package-developer/
as well as the develpers corner at http://www.de.debian.org/ .

> The only problem is to reach the maintainer.

Who is he?  Ah, Phil Hands...  Hmm, if it is very important for you I
guess you could try whois on hands.com and use the information provided
there to reach him.  (There is this nice xwhois tool)

> IMHO Debian should have a easy-to-use but secure admintool. In my opinion
> linuxconf is a very good one and we should have it in next release
> (potato :-))

The problem with all administration tools (linuxconf, coas, yast,
redhat admin) is that they are not flexible enough to fit all needs.
However I would appreciate if somebody would spend some time on
them to make them work with Debian and co-work with the upstream
authors.  You seem to be keen on this issue, please continue.

> P.S. Maybe someone can tell me how use the debian-packaging tools.

Read the documents mentioned above or ask concrete questions on debian-mentors
(or #Debian)

> BTW. Discussion about an Admintool for Debian should take place in the
> Debian-Admintool-List. Please check where your replies go to!!!!!!!
> P.P.S.: Sorry for my (bad) English.

What was bad?

> -- 
> Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komme wieder, keine Frage!!!

Ah, that's what you mean.  Sorry, I don't understand.  :)

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

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