Packing Matreshka for Debian
I'm trying to pack Matreshka[1] library on Debian/Ubuntu.
Matreshka has several libraries and executables (about 20). I've
started with League library, because it's core part of Matreshka.
I put the first version of the package to Ubuntu PPA[2] to be able to
ask for advice. In some place I didn't follow Ada Debian Policy:
* I don't provide static libraries, because "upstream" doesn't
provides it neither
* There is some mess related to names:
** project file is matreshka_league.gpr and I would prefer to keep
this name to compatibility with other distros
** but library is libleague*.so and package names are libleague*.so
and directories in ada/include/ and ada/adalib/
* in binary package saved in
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ada/adalib/league (where gprinstall puts
it), but there is a link in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Is it critical enough to prevent inclusion in Debian/Ubuntu?
What do you suggest?
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