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Re: asis-programs (Was: gnat-6 transition)

On Thu, Aug 04, 2016 at 10:03:00PM +0200, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
> I've installed "asis-programs" in my "sid" chroot.  It appears that the
> "gnatmetric" tool has been removed from the package, except for a few
> architectures:

>    https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=sid&arch=any&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=gnatmetric

> Why?  Should I just get used to not running "gnatmetric" on my projects?

The tarball distributed by Adacore as ASIS GPL 2015 contains a correct
source for the ASIS library, but does not allow anymore to build
gnat2xml, gnatmetric, gnatppp and gnattest. The source for gnat* tools
have been released in an intermediate state during a code refactoring,
and some are incomplete in the tarball.

They will probably build again in the GPL 2016 release, but we should
finish the gnat-6 migration before upgradiing the ASIS library.

Only a few files seem to be missing, we could in theory fix the
problem without affecting much the migration by backporting these
sources to the current Debian package, but working on this before the
GPL-2016 update seems a waste of efforts.

For very similar reasons, GPS currently starts, but with a poor GTK

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