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Re: I Am Trying to File A Bug?


On 01-02-2024 04:51, Chime Hart wrote:
Hi All: As I was working through reportbug, it asks me for tags? Well, no matter how I write them, it says "invalid entry" In the man-page it either shows --T or -T=  Maybe instead of a cryptic "invalid entry" it would be more helpful mentioning what items are missing. Thanks so much in advance

If you go to https://bugs.debian.org you get redirected to https://www.debian.org/Bugs/ which has this:

Valid tags are patch, wontfix, moreinfo, unreproducible, help, security, upstream, pending, confirmed, ipv6, lfs, d-i, l10n, newcomer, a11y, ftbfs, fixed-upstream, fixed, fixed-in-experimental, potato, woody, sarge, etch, lenny, squeeze, wheezy, jessie, stretch, buster, bullseye, bookworm, trixie, forky, sid, experimental, sarge-ignore, etch-ignore, lenny-ignore, squeeze-ignore, wheezy-ignore, jessie-ignore, stretch-ignore, buster-ignore, bullseye-ignore, bookworm-ignore, trixie-ignore forky-ignore .

If you don't want to provide a tag, you can run reportbug with --no-tags-menu


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