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Brltty restarts every few minutes in Bookworm


for some time I'm struggling with a very annoying behavior of Systemd / Brltty / whatever the issue may be.

I've installed Debian Bookworm on a new Thinkpad and worked with this system successfully for some
months. But relatively recent Brltty started to restart every few minutes - sometimes it runs for
20, often it's less than 10. Maybe that began after an "apt upgrade" but I don't know for sure.

I thought, Brltty itself contained a bug. So I've written a short script, which would save the crash
dump, when it happened. I've disabled the Systemd service, stopped Brltty and started it via the
script. But then, the restarts disappeared and Brltty runs as intended (--no-daemon).

Therefore it seems, that not Brltty itself is the problem but something else, which causes Brltty to
restart. But I've no clue, how to debug that.

At the moment my workaround is to rename the Brltty service file (otherwise it restarts even when
disabled) and start Brltty in a tmux session via the mentioned script. At least that works but then
no Systemd logic, no start on boot ect.

Could someone point me in the right direction? What could be the cause for that?

The only "special" part of my Brltty config is  an overwrite for the service file, which sets an
environment variable (Pulseaudio TCP port for Brltty/SpeechDispatcher).


Lenovo Thinkpad P14s with universal usb-c dock, Debian Bookworm (6.1.0-12-amd64).
Do you need anything else (config files, hardware specs, logs)?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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