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Re: How to Install Basic Debian CLI System with Networking and screen reader

On Sun, 28 May 2023, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:


How do users install a basic Debian Command Line Interface (CLI) system
with networking and NO Desktop Environmens or Desktop Manager installed?

It's a little while since I've done it, but all I usually do is run the netinst image and not install any of the desktops when it gets to the task selections.

You can read about accessing the installer on the Debian Wiki at https://wiki.debian.org/accessibility#Debian_installer_accessibility

For years Debian had a CLI manager that gave us choices of different
command line programs.  I thought the Default install marked Debian was
that but it isn't, it now installs a graphical user interface which I do
not want.

Can you specify which installer you are using?

How do I install a speaking Text mode system CLI with networking, nmcli and
nmtui and what is the name of the old shell that used to give us a command
line menu for Internet and other programs, it was a TUI program.

I have to admit to not knowing about these.

Doing an apt search for nmcli shows wifi-qr - not sure if this is what you want. Searching for nmtui doesn't match anything.

Unfortunately, there seems to be so many programs for making menus in graphical environments that I can't easily see which menu program you're referrring to.


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