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colors in firefox

i am not doing well so i hope this is coherent.  i also hope that i
will understand the responses.  i am technically able, e.g. very able
in elisp, but firefox and mime types and gtk and css are all difficult
for me. thyey are some kind of labyrinth.

this question is really about firefox colors preferences settings and
what i can do.  and also about possible extensions/addons/whatever.  i
am already using a dark mode extension, the best i could find, but it
is pretty bad and uses a lot of blue.

there is a good one i hear that requires binary blob to install and i
am too stubborn to do that.  it uses idk css or something.  idk.

some of my problems are: i want low or no blue, no white bg, no white
text, a reasonably high contrast for distinguishing things, visited
and unvisited links clear and distinguishable.

e.g. right now, gmail html mode [js one does not work for me] uses
blue links which are unusable against the black bg of my dark mode
thing.  but the default is worse with white.  ia hve to select with
mouse to see the topics.

firefox colors are nearly unusable.  there is blue everyuwhere.  i
already wear noir 570 glasses which is very dark amber.  i have
already set up redshift and ddccontrol and set monitor settings for
low blue.  i don't need advice on that stuff i think.

but colors in firefox idk what system settings are.  gtk?  if i try to
set that then i get white on black which is not good.  i just want
everything legible with no white anywhere, no blue, idk.  sorry for

right now i am typing in a black on white text box.  it is really
horrible.  that is because i tried something in firefox preferences
for colors.  i don't want white anywhere.  and i don't want blue
anywhere if possible.

i use outrageously large fonts.  i use fluxbox.  i do not use a
desktop environment like gnome or kde.  fluxbox pretty much is hte
onlyt hing that does what i need i think [i3 might maybe idk but i am
to osick to tweak that]  and my computer is old.

idk if i am on this list.  i hope i am.  in any case thank you for
wading through this post.

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