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Re: Tutorial wasRe: Iggdrasil, a new amazing screenreader

On 12/31/2021 7:04 PM, James AUSTIN wrote:
I am wondering if there are any tutorials available to help someone set a system such as the one being discussed up from scratch. Well I can access the command line from a GUI I am reliant upon a graphical user interface being pre-installed with orca before I can use the command line.

Any pointers to tutorials to set this up from scratch from a blindness perspective it would be greatly appreciated.

Debian makes it easy to follow the "regular" documentation and the
accessibility wiki details accessibility features!

You can simply 'Install Debian with speach' as usual but at the package
selection prompt (see below) only enter '12' to only install 'Standard
System Utilities':

"Software selection

At the moment, only the core of the system is installed. To tune the
system to
your needs, you can choose to install one or more of the following
collections of software.
Choose software to install:
  1: Debian desktop environment [*],  7: ... MATE,
  2: ... GNOME [*],                   8: ... LXDE,
  3: ... Xfce,                        9: ... LXQt,
  4: ... GNOME Flashback,            10: web server,
  5: ... KDE Plasma,                 11: SSH server,
  6: ... Cinnamon,                   12: standard system utilities [*],
Prompt: '?' for help, default=1 2 12> 12"

There is no need to do that to get the desired result though, see 'Case
B. Permanently booting to text mode (console mode)' at (1):

- Graphical mode: 'systemctl set-default graphical.target'
- Console mode: 'systemctl set-default multi-user.target'

Use 'systemctl reboot' to reboot after having executed one or the above

CTRL + alt + f1 to f6 should also bring to the console.


John Doe

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