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Re: Christian beliebers here using Debian

There's a nice script called Bible-fetch:


Which scrapes Biblegateway. This gives access to many versions, and by default without the verse numbers, which is good for me because I find them annoying and takes away from the text of the Bible. It's a Python script, so requires Python and a few dependencies, like Beautifulsoup.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 12:12 PM David Hoff Jr <dhoffjr@att.net> wrote:
        I believe there is a bit of misunderstanding here. A Swedish person
trying to use the English language has used the word "fairy" incorrectly.
His intent was correct, but his word was not.

It would be nice if Linux had a fully functional Bible program which was
accessible with Orca on the Linux desktop. It does have a console tool
such as Diatheke which with personalized scripting can be used for
reading and searching the scripture, but that takes some scripting work.

Windows have a few Bible programs, a few are reasonably accessible, which
I have used in the past. I took the time to copy every chapter in the
Bible and save them to a text file which I now use daily for reading.
These are very useful in Linux, but not the same as a program to use for
reading and research.

God has provided, we just have to find out how to use the resources he

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