[slint] Re: After Upgrade 14 September 2021 Cannot Login to Mate (fwd)
Could the same thing have happened in debian?
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Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 05:46:50
From: Didier Spaier <didier@slint.fr>
Reply-To: slint@freelists.org
To: slint@freelists.org
Subject: [slint] Re: After Upgrade 14 September 2021 Cannot Login to Mate
Hello David,
thanks for your bug report!
The issue is that new mate-session-manager installs a file named:
whereas in previous versions it was named:
This confuse session-chooser as it looks for the latter, not the former.
As a workaround, please type this as root:
cd /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
ln -s xinitrc.mate-session xinitrc.mate
Then as regular user type:
session-chooser mate
I will provide a new package mate-session-manager making this symbolic link as
a post-installation task later today.
Le 15/09/2021 ? 01:26, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. a ?crit :
> Hello List,
> After update on 14 September 2021, I can no longer log into MATE.
> I updated and upgraded after seeing Didier's message today 15 September 2021.
> I still cannot log into Mate, only the other Desktop Environments.
> I can use the other Desktop Environments (DE) by using "session-chooser" all
> of them work but an odd thing happens.
> After successfully starting another DE, if I try to start mate with
> session-chooser, I cannot open mate, but I open the last DE that I used.
> I used several DE and this repeats itself, if I use lxde, when I try to use
> "session-chooser mate", mate won't run, but lxde will, same thing with
> kde-plasma and the other DE that are in SLINT.
> Just in case the Xorg log will help, I attach it.
> Best regards,
> David
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