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Re: Fwd: installing speakup (etc) in a VirtualBox VM

On 10/26/19, Rich Morin <rdm@cfcl.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Samuel, for forwarding this.  If nothing else, it prompted me to
> join this mailing list!
> I'd like to follow up with a request for help in documenting the kinds of
> major dependencies that exist among the a11y-related packages (eg, brltty,
> emacspeak, espeak-ng, espeak-ng-data, espeakup, fenrir, mbrola-*, orca,
> speech-dispatcher).

Hi, Rich.. This is coming from someone of a more simple mindset.. I
have cognitive issues so I do things a little differently sometimes.
What I'm trying to say is.. this is what *I do*, others may have more
thorough methodologies. *grin*

So I what I've done when having a question about dependencies is try
something like:

apt-cache depends < package-name >


apt-cache rdepends < package-name >

That's for dependencies and reverse dependencies (other packages that
depend on the one in question).

In the past as a much newer user, I had ALSO....

Just tried installing a package to get some of that information.
That's a #FAIL because that does NOT tell you about dependencies that
are already installed. *oops*

> I'd love to have this information collected in one place and suspect that
> others might also find it useful.  I'd be happy to write this up nicely,
> if someone can give (or point me to) the raw data.

An afterthought is you could also try a few creative searches similar to:

apt-cache search package dependenc

Yes, that's a typo on purpose. That will query package descriptions
for e.g. "package dependency" AND "package dependencies" at the same

You might get a hit for someone's Debian package submission that works
similar but possibly more indepth to the two apt-cache dependency
queries above. Sometimes other packages are "just" taking that same
terminal command line query output and presenting it in a pretty
format, e.g. maybe via a colorful "GUI" layout or something.

Further afterthought, it occurs to me that some packages you're
mentioning might not be in a main Debian repository. In that case, I
have no idea for those right this second.

Although I do know that, if those packages are in something like
Debian's non-free instead of the most basic main repositories..


If the vendor offers something that can be placed within the /etc/apt
file hierarchy, your /etc/apt/sources.list or similar* will need to
reflect that. "apt-get update" will have needed to be run, also, to
ensure everything is current information.

If you already knew some of that in advance, my apologies. Never hurts
to have it on a list for newbies, newcomers.

Have fun!

* E.g. as a file at /etc/apt/soures.list.d/favorite-non-debian-package.list

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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