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Re: pulseaudio and espeakup

Hi Sebastian,

Am 2018-05-04 10:25, schrieb Sebastian Humenda:
Could we get a similar behaviour for brltty(-espeak)? In the current setup, I have to disable pulse completely, just to be able to use sound both on the
console with BRLTTY and Orca.

I do have a setup where this is not necessary and where I can use speech and braille (brltty, brltty-speechd, espeak-ng, speech-dispatcher and orca) in the console and mate at the same time with different users without removing pulse. Pulse is running as a systemwide daemon and orca and brltty are using speechd.

I can post more details about the setup and the necessary steps for the different configuration tasks if you like. Maybe they are helping to find a better solution for the bullshit with pulse and speech output for the future, allthough running pulse as a daemon is not recommented :-(. But its the only solution I know and its the only solution without removing pulse...



Christian Schoepplein - chris (at) schoeppi.net - http://www.schoeppi.net

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