Bug#859957: Fwd: Bug#859957: natbraille: ftbfs without networking
Simon Kainz, on ven. 26 mai 2017 10:56:11 +0200, wrote:
> i substituted almost all libraries with already packaged debian
> libraries,
> * jodconverter-3.0-NX.orig.jar
There is already a jodconverter package, we can upgrade it to version 3.
> * saxon9.jar
> * saxon9he.jar
In the current package, we use saxonb instead.
> * natbraille-soffice-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
> I did not find the source for
> natbraille-soffice-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar. Where does
> this library come from? What is it's license ?
No idea :)
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