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Bug#813143: openjdk-7-jre-headless: Please re-disable atk bridge

Control: close 813143 java-atk-wrapper/0.33.3-6
Control: reopen 820227
Control: reassign 820227 java-atk-wrapper
Control: retitle 820227 NPE on keyevent in josm


Sebastiaan Couwenberg, on Wed 06 Apr 2016 21:58:36 +0200, wrote:
> It seems the changes in java-atk-wrapper (0.33.3-6) were not sufficient
> to resolve the issues it causes in JOSM.

Apparently so, yes.

> Today we got a new bugreport for josm (#820227) which is also caused by
> the ATK bridge, and resolved by disabling the assistive_technologies
> option in /etc/java-8-openjdk/accessibility.properties.

Ok, I can reproduce the issue indeed.

> Do you have any suggestions to fix java-atk-wrapper

I'll have a look.

> or should this issue be reassigned to openjdk-8-jre-headless to
> request disabling the option by default again?

The goal is to fix issues, not to work around them, so we need to keep
the atk bridge enabled by default, otherwise we won't even know about
the bugs, and thus never manage to enable it by default... I'm glad that
this particular bug does not make the application crash, at least.

> I've reopened #813143 because the issues experienced in JOSM are not
> fixed by java-atk-wrapper (0.33.3-6).

The issues that were reported in the past *are* fixed by 0.33.3-6, so
#813143 shouldn't be reopened.

820227 is another issue, apparently related to an entirely different
codepath than the previously-reported issues.

> I'm closing this issue because it's not an issue in JOSM can be easily
> worked around by disabling the assistive_technologies option.

Please don't do it this way: the information which is needed to fix the
bug is in #820227, so it's a reassign which makes sense, which I've just
done here.


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