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Re: emacspeak and switching language

On Fri, 5 Sep 2014, Paul Gevers wrote:

Although I consider myself the current maintainer of emacspeak, I don't
know the answer to the question yet, but I believe it all depends on
which program or device you use for the speaking. Please at least have a
look at your /etc/emacspeak.conf file and it shows you that you can
experiment with environment setting before you really implement it in
/etc/emacspeak.conf. I think if you are using a software tts you should
give the right settings for that tts in either env or in

Please follow up here if you found out or if the above information was
not enough.
Ok, tts that i'm using is espeak. I investigated about the possibility of setting an environment variable to set the predefined language, but it seems to be not possible. Do you think that there is another strategy to force emacspeak to speak another language even if menus and in general messages are spoken in english?

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