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Re: Advice/opinions asked about two speech-dispatcher issues

Hi all,

On 15-01-14 20:51, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Second, I am unsure if speech-dispatcher upgrades are actually handled
> gracefully. If speech-dispatcher is already running at the start of the
> upgrade, I think it will keep on running and only the new version will
> be used after killing speech-dispatcher (via reboot). However,
> implementations that interact with speech-dispatcher might be upgraded
> at the same time and actually believe they are talking to the new
> speech-dispatcher and possibly fail. I can imagine that we could kill
> any speech-dispatcher that is running in the postinst script, but I am
> reluctant to take that step. What do you think?

I think I will add a debconf question to the package, that asks if
speech-dispatcher should be killed to allow restarting. Or do you think
this would be overkill?


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