Re: localized information in the wiki
Hello Samuel
Samuel Thibault <> wrote on Do, Mär 24, 2011 at 10:54:34 +0100:
>Sebastian Humenda, le Thu 24 Mar 2011 08:32:52 +0100, a écrit :
>> So some remarks on the English version
>> * I don't know whether it is good for the Debian-installer options to
>> just reference to the release manual since this is very long and
>> might discourage people from reading further.
>Very long?! The link points exactly at the Accessibility part in the
>manual, which is only 60 lines long, I don't know how that could ever be
That was somehow my ignorance :-). I just saw English text and thought
one has to scroll through the manual to find the right place, but it's
all there. The second wrong assumption was that there must be an
alternative link for the German page, but the website handles that
indeed. Thanks for the hint ;-).
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