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Hi, I have never reported a bug to Debian before, so I am not sure of the the
process, or whether this is a recognised bug - I did some googling but
couldn't find any reference to it.

I am using Debian Lenny 5.02 installed from the CD #1 and problem is that the
GDM Login manager does not allow you to play any wav files at the GDM login.
In fact it won't even play them when you click on the Play button in the
Login manager, although a system beep does sound.

It seems that the Login Manager does not put the correct entries into the
/etc/gdm/gdm.conf file. I had to manually add SoundProgram=/usr/bin/aplay
into the [Daemon] section and the LoginSound=true into the [Greeter] section
(This is from memory so exact words may be different] although the file paths
to the sounds had been entered. Once I had edited gdm.conf manually the login
sounds functioned as expected.

I am using this functionality to add spoken messages (using espeak) at the
login window, so this form me was a serious bug which I am sure is easy to


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