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Re: KTTS (KDE Text To Speech)

"William Lewellen" <emale50@37.com> writes:

> I need an apt-get command line that will upgrade KDE 2.2.2-14 to KDE
> 3.4 so I'll have KTTS. In case it matters my libc6 is 2.2.5-11.8.
> Perhaps it's not possible on a ThinkPad 760EL? Nothing I've tried
> worked.

From what I can see, you are running the stable branch of Debian, currently
codename woody.  KDE 3 is not available for woody as far as I know.

You can either wait until the next release (codename sarge) gets
out the door and then upgrade your stable system, or change
the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list such that you use the sarge
distribution direclty and upgrade your packages.  The second approach is
obviously a bit more risky since sarge is not yet released and therefore
there still might be some problems upgrading from woody.


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