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Re: Debian Academy info for debian.net ticket

On 2022-09-08 21:21, jathan wrote:

  { I trimmed a whole lot until here }

## Check-list for Debian.Net Team

* [ ] Select an appropriate platform for the request.
* [ ] Spin up a VM in the appropriate platform.
* [ ] Hetzner Only: Add IPv4 and IPv6 reverse-DNS entries.
* [ ] Add the Debian.Net Team's SSH keys to root's `authorized_keys`.
* [ ] Set `PasswordAuthentication no` in `sshd_config`, restart `sshd`.
* [ ] Add an account for the requester `adduser --disabled-password
* [ ] Grant sudo access to the requester `adduser USER sudo`.
* [ ] Unset the user's password, so they can set it themselves: `passwd
-d USER`
* [ ] Add the requester's SSH keys to their account's `authorized_keys`. * [ ] Provide IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a comment, so the requester can
create DNS records.
* [ ] Add the instance to the [infrastructure

I'm not a Debian Developer so not sure how the various teams usually
handle this stuff.

/label create-vps

Hello Jathan,

This is not all the information that you requested/need but it might get
the discussion going.

Hello David,

Thanks a lot for your help with these specifications. I think it is a
good starting. Let's see what the other members who will take care of
the VPS say,


Hello Jonathan (a.k.a. Jathan),

First I would not overlooking the usefulness of letting the mail list see the details and steps necessary for the creation of "A new thing" being started by a team in the Debian Projects group.

You previous posted check list help some with the information collected and the steps to launch a VPS for resources the make Debian work beyond just a 'distro' that can be downloaded from a mirror

In exploring the link to "Debian Net Team" I got to a file that is a "machine defination" file
in YAML format:

so here is my attenpt at generating info about what could be created:


Of course, the info is not complete but the process of learning is why I am here.

Next to learn more about rsync backups!


David Billsbrough (KC4ZVW)
Chuluota, Florida  Grid Loc: EL98kp
Web: https://www.kc4zvw.us

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