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Re: [nm.debian.org] Key endorsements are live

> Hi
> I just wondered if anyone would be able to create or help create a short
> course on this for Debian Academy please?
> Or maybe any input in to what could go in to this?
> Just an idea if it helps people get started
> Regards
> Paul Sutton

Hi Paul,

I'd be happy to help with this course.

I've listed a few things I think we'll need to consider:

     * Learning objectives and required outcomes: what should/must the 
learner be able to do or know on completion of the course (an example 
might be to 'Demonstrate how to add a key endorsement' to a Debian 
member's page).
     * Authoring tool and types of content: if this is going to be a 
shorter course, is it better to have just a few 'topics', each 
containing some simple H5P content, or instead have a single Adapt unit, 
etc. I think there are some H5P content types that would work nicely, 
and they'd certainly be quicker to set up. On the other hand, if we 
wanted to invest more time, Adapt acts as more of a 'blank canvas' and 
we could incorporate various types of content, and even branching, into 
one unit.
     * Evaluation: does the course need to be tested/evaluated in any 
way? Will there need to be any kinds of quizzes, knowledge checks etc. 
to ensure knowledge retention.
     * Required/pre-learning: due to the nature of this course being 
focused on the use of GPG, should we first have the learner take a small 
quiz to check that they're ready to learn this new content? If someone 
needs/wants to learn about key endorsements but is unfamiliar with GPG, 
they'll be off to a bad start. (Maybe a separate course about GPG is a 
good idea, covering the basics of keypair generation, key management, 
simple actions like encrypting/decrypting/signing messages and files etc.)
     * Resources: what further reading etc. should be included? Enrico 
Zini's message has two good resources already: his own example and some 
further reading about daily use of GPG.


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