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Upcoming m68k developers chat this Friday 6th of November: new developments in Qemu


the next m68k developer chat will be on

Friday 6th November 2020, 19:00 H CET (18:00H / 06:00 PM UTC)


<https://meet.m68k.info/m68k> (will be online before the meeting starts)

Feature 1: New m68k target in Qemu - Laurent Vivier will talk about the existing QEMU Quadra 800 emulation and the linux-user mode. He will explain what are their limitations are, and then what a pure virtual machine can improve. We will see what the machine can do and how to use
it. There will be a little demo.

Feature 2: Chroot into m68k - a seamless m68k dev environment on Linux
with Qemu

Carsten Strotmann

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