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Re: Amigas with both Zorro-II and Zorro-III RAM?

Am 05.12.2018 um 08:47 schrieb Geert Uytterhoeven <geert@linux-m68k.org>:

>> Yes, this should be the same with the BigRamPlus extension, except that on Amigas the address scheme is of course different and Amigas will use memory priorities (the faster the memory is, the higher the priority is).
>> ChipRam should be priority 0, normal (fake) FastRam is about priority 20 or so while real FastRam on an accel board like Cyberstorm MK2 is about priority 40 or so.
> These priorities are purely a matter for AmigaOS, and do not apply to Linux.

Valid point! :-)

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      Ingo     \X/     XMPP: ij@jabber.windfluechter.net
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