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Re: Installation report [fail]

Am 30.05.2013 um 14:31 schrieb Florian Lohoff <f@zz.de>:

> i just tried booting wouters latest 20130502 images on an A3000T040 
> with 16MB Fast - Uncompressed the vmlinuz - not giving the initrd
> starts the kernel and throws a backtrace on rootfs mount which fails.
> Giving amiboot the initrd - compressed or uncompressed gives a grey
> screen.

I fear that 16 MB Fast wouldn't be enough memory. Alas, the kernel should boot... 
Have you tried to use a memfile? Try to lower the memory in memfile in 1M steps.

> Netboot with an nfs chroot fails as the kernel does not seem to include
> ariadne (Is it still broken?) and ip config/nfs ...

Ariadne is basically working. I've two Ariadnes running in my Amigas. 

I plan to give root on NFS/NBD a try in the next time as well. If this succeeds, I could you provide with more information. 

Ciao...            //      Fon: 0381-2744150
      Ingo       \X/       http://blog.windfluechter.net

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