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Re: Which initrd for network install on Amiga?


On Mar 29, 2013, at 10:52 AM, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Dirk Heinrichs dixit:

I saw there are initrd's for cdrom, hdmedia and nativehd installs located at
http://people.debian.org/~wouter/d-i/images/. What about network-only
installs? Is this not supported anymore or can it be done with either one?

Unless something changed, d-i does not work at all at the moment,
because debootstrap cannot combine from multiple distributions,
and m68k is split between unstable and unreleased (the mailing
list archives have lots about that, and the Debian wiki references
at https://wiki.debian.org/M68k/Installing tarballs and filesystem
images you can extract, in lieu of installing, and then dist-upgrade
to latest unstable+unreleased).

But is there an old stable version of Debian m68k?


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